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**Listen Live**

Bert Baron
Joyce Estey

We talk Warehousing and the effects on our Towns!


Tom Bodolsky & Julia Somers

Executive Director of the

New Jersey Highlands Coalition - 

Start off our Conversation with Joyce Estey of WRNJ.
Tom Bodolsky Speaks about what the impact of the process of building the Jaindl warehouse development would be on the neighborhood and region

Hon. Adele Starrs, former Mayor, Knowlton Township- Impact on the towns to the north and the link to Mt. Bethel, PA

Fred Stine -Delaware Riverkeeper Network -  Impacts on the Delaware River Water Quality

Tracey Heisler -Skylands Preservation Alliance- The challenges of building large structures on carbonate rock (karst) and how NJ Department of Community Affairs does not permit redevelopment zones (PILOT) on prime agricultural soils (frequently found where carbonate rock is present)

Dr. Chris Amato -- Intriguing facts on debt incurred by municipalities/counties and the State in PA to widen roads and upgrade infrastructure in wake of the warehouse development that has occurred there

Interview with Hope Townships own Mayor McDonough. How do we protect towns like Hope & Surrounding area's from the Impacts of Trucks & Warehousing.

Joyce Etsy Interviews -Executive Director Julia Somers of the New Jersey Highlands Coalition , Commissioner Deputy Director James Kern, and Highlands Council Executive Director Ben Spinelli, and Matthew Mench.

Listen live with Joyce Etsy,  News Director about  Warehousing and the impact in Warren County. She speak with local leaders.

Listen to Gayle Howard speak about the  Quality of life in Warren County and why she moved here.

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